Deep knowledge of special building code and testing requirements. Specialized techniques to creatively and cost-effectively augment these structures to meet current standards.
Many of the California homes are at risk of sustaining severe damage in the event of a strong earthquake. Depending upon the strength of the earthquake and the proximity to the epicenter, many homes risk complete structural failure. A sound seismic retrofit will prevent this from happening in the event of an earthquake.
An evolving understanding of seismic events and seismic regulations affects how we comply with buildings codes, address occupant safety, plan for resumption of normal operations, and design for lower construction costs.
JN Engineering offers experience-based seismic engineering services that give architects, owners, property managers, engineers, and contractors practical ways to achieve these goals.
Site inspections to determine seismic retrofit needs
Structural retrofit to the foundations
Certificates to help you obtain earthquake insurance
We believe that structural engineering is an art created by engineering professionals to bring architectural dreams and philosophies into a constructible form, fulfilling a client’s needs in the most economical way, working with the boundaries of codes and regulations.
Contact Us
We’d be happy to answer your questions or help you with your any of your engineering needs. Give us a call at (310) 838-1325 or fill out the form. We love a challenge!